This is a feature-reduced version of Newton’s Aquarium. It has been provided so that you may evaluate the software without risk. With this demo you will not be able to save, export or print the universe documents that you create or modify.
If you would like to use Newton’s Aquarium in your classroom, you must purchase an institution licence.
Retail Price List and Ordering Information
High School, College, University or Other Institution
Limited Site Licence. Purchasing department of the institution may install and use the software on “X many” computers within the department.
PRICE = $100 US / $125 CDN for first copy + $20 US / $25 CDN for each additional copy.
Unlimited Site Licence. Purchasing department of the institution may install and use the software on any number of computers within the department.
PRICE = $400 US / $500 CDN.
Any Larger Licence. Example: Purchasing school board may install and use the software on any number of computers in every school within the school board.
PRICE = NEGOTIABLE. Please contact Eureka Software Inc.
Student or Other Individual
Single User Licence. Purchaser may install and use the software on a single computer. This type of licence is intended for students, hobbyists and other “home” users and is not available to institutions.
PRICE = $28 US / $35 CDN.
All prices include shipping and handling costs.
Ontario customers, add 8% to all prices for Provincial Sales Tax. This product is not subject to Canada’s Goods and Services Tax.
Your order should specify the type of licence (and, in the case of a Limited Site Licence, the number of copies).
Please make your cheque, money order or purchase order payable to Eureka Software Inc. Send your order to: